
Darkblock provides an access-control panel for NFT creators, allowing them to add utility to NFTs with unlockables. Black Math hired me to work on the 2D animated scenes of this mixed-media explainer video.


Client: Darkblock
Creative Direction: Jeremy Sahlman, Adabelle Tan
Art Direction: Adabelle Tan
Animation Direction: Adabelle Tan, Steve Madden
Producer: Nickey Georgallas
2D Design: Adabelle Tan, Kevin Chiu
3D Design: Omid Seraj, Louie Jannetty, Amr Seoudi (Support)
2D Animation: Pavelas Laptevas (Lead), Steve Madden, Kory Demers, Cathy Lin (Support)
3D Animation: Lenar Singatullov (Lead), Omid Seraj, Lyon Graulty
Edit: Steve Madden, Noah Canavan, Zaim Jordan (Support)
Music/SFX: Kevin Laba
Audio Engineer: Billy Wirasnik
Voice Talent: Sarah Ginsburg
Produced by Black Math
Executive Team: Jeremy Sahlman (ECD), Evan Fellers (CEO), Alexandra Williams (EP, Boston), Stephanie Rabins (EP, New York)